How We Help

Financial Security
People with disabilities have higher expenses in almost every aspect of life—from food to medical care to utilities—and have additional costs due to their disabilities. And yet, the U.S. Census Bureau found that adults age 21 – 64 with disabilities made significantly less than those with no disability.Due to these financial constraints, it is essential for people with disabilities to have the personal financial resources and skills that will help them manage their money so that they can live fulfilling lives.

Housing Navigation
The New York City real estate market is one of the most expensive and tightest in the country, making it difficult for all low or moderate income people to find housing. People with disabilities face additional challenges for several reasons. In addition to accessibility issues, like many places in the U.S., many potential landlords, condo, or co-op boards have negative stereotypes about people with IDD. We can help you navigate NY real estate and create a home for one person or more.

Self Direction
Self direction, along with Medicaid Waiver services enables participants, or their representatives if applicable, have decision-making authority over certain services and take direct responsibility to manage their services with the assistance of a system of available supports. The self-directed service delivery model is an alternative to traditionally delivered and managed services, such as an agency delivery model. Self-direction of services allows participants to have the responsibility for managing all aspects of service delivery in a person-centered planning process.

Government Benefits
The Social Security and Supplemental Security Income disability programs are the largest of several Federal programs that provide assistance to people with disabilities. While these two programs are different in many ways, both are administered by the Social Security Administration and only individuals who have a disability and meet medical criteria may qualify for benefits under either program.

Decision Making
Supported decision making (SDM) is an alternative to guardianship. Supported decision making (SDM) is a tool that allows people with disabilities to retain their decision-making capacity by choosing supporters to help them make choices. A person using SDM selects trusted advisors, such as friends, family members, or professionals, to serve as supporters. The supporters agree to help the person with a disability understand, consider, and communicate decisions, giving the person with a disability the tools to make their own informed decisions.

Life Planning
Future Life Planning is important for all families, and it’s an ongoing process. The customized Special Needs NYC tool has features that allow you to view upcoming steps or create new steps in your future plan.

Elder Care
Having a son or daughter with special needs and planning for their future care is a concern throughout the lifespan. People with a disability are often very dependent upon their parents, counting on them to provide fully for their safety and well being. As parents begin to age, it’s essential to have a plan in place for both the parents elder care and for the future care of their children.

Self Determination
People with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (IDD) have the same right to, and responsibilities that accompany, self-determination as everyone else. They are entitled to opportunities, respectful support, and the authority to exert control over their lives, to direct their services, and to act on their own behalf.